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Buildlink Strategies: 3 Simple Ways To Build Links to your Blog

Written by Doug Kirk | Aug 4, 2011 1:09:00 PM

With any inbound marketing campaign, generating high quality links to either your website or blog should be considered a priority to a buildlink campaign. The problem is balancing high quality links with quantity. Successful buildlink strategies not only improves your search engine rankings but also independently generates more traffic. Here are a 3 simple ways you can take more control over your buildlink campaigns. Keep in mind that great content is essential to maximize these strategies. 

1)    Build Relationships Through Guest Posting

Guest posting is a great way to buildlinks, but also to gain access to a base of readers that you may never otherwise reach. Is there a particular website within your industry that you like?  Check their blog for possible guest writers or simply ask a member of their marketing team if they would be interested. If you’re a fan of their site, it will be easier to identify and buildlink relationships that can lead to guest posting opportunities.  Be sure to promote the upcoming guest blogger through your own social media outlets (Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin), email lists and your own site.


2)    Leverage Content Sharing

Never overlook the power of your own readers. If you consistently give them great content, they will share it with others on social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and others. It’s important to make this as easy as possible for them by displaying social sharing icons around your content. As an added bonus, most of the anchor text that will be used when they share is the actual title of your content. By making sure the title of your post is SEO optimized (loaded with keywords) as well as designed to grab the reader’s attention, you can gain maximum benefit of social sharing and buildlink quality.

3)    Support a Cause or Hold a Contest

One of the most overlooked ways to buildlinks to your website is by supporting a cause or holding a contest. This will provide you quality inbound links from a variety of sources including press releases, social sharing, industry news sites, and niche-related blogs. You will often also get a link directly from the cause's website that you support, which can be very powerful in helping build brand recognition outside of your normal target market.  For a contest, perhaps you like a particular software program that helps your site.  For example, two I really like is Market Samurai for SEO and Snagit for image capture and design work.  Buy a copy of the software and hold a contest for best comment on your blog.  That is sure to draw in a number of readers, shares and buildinks fairly inexpensively.    

By implementing these simple methods, you can dramatically improve the high quality links to your website with very little effort.   As an added bonus, these links will generate targeted, actionable traffic.