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Internet Marketing Help | Internet Marketing Consulting

Posted by Doug Kirk  Dec 13, 2011 7:01:00 PM

Looking for Internet marketing help?  This can be a daunting task indeed.  There are many places to turn – email marketing specialists, article marketing submission bots, social media consultants, SEO experts, lead gen gurus – the list is endless.  Not to mention the constantly shifting strategies and technologies. In an attempt to provide some clarity, I’m going to lay out the two most important principles to consider when looking for internet marketing help or internet marketing consulting.    

1) Content is king.  An oldie but a goodie and yet never more true than right now.   You don’t need a pure SEO consultant anymore.  You need is someone that understands how to create content targeting your potential buyers and then marry that to SEO.  That means internet marketing help kingthinking about the questions your clients and customers want answered – and writing about them.  Address the questions they’re searching for in Google, Twitter and Facebook.  Anyone offering internet marketing help should also know that this "answer based content" comes in two forms: Blog content (much like this post you’re reading) and “Freemium” content (see the links at the bottom of this post).  Blog content is informative content for your potential clients built with specific keywords in mind while freemium is when your potential buyer views the info as valuable enough to hand over their email for access.   As an example, suppose you sell snow shoes.  One blog post might be about the “10 Best Places to Snow Shoe in America.”   Then inside the blog post is a link to download about the "5 most important considerations when buying a pair of snow shoes." 

2)  Social media is a targeted distribution point for your content.  Blog content fuels social interaction and site visits.  It’s critical to connect your blog to Twitter and Facebook accounts.  This way you can keep those social media accounts filled with provocative internet marketing consultinginformation that your buyers are searching for on those platforms.   Your social media accounts are distribution points for your sales messages from your blog.  For Twitter, use software to seek out people on based on keywords in their bio descriptions.  For example, if you sell smoked salmon, search for anyone with “foodie” in their bio.  Then follow them.  If they follow you back, set up an auto-reply with a coupon to buy your salmon.  Again, use technology to assist or an internet marketing consultant to set this up for you. 

Keeping these two principles in mind, anyone looking for internet marketing help has the foundation to build an effective strategy – either DIY or when hiring an internet marketing consulting expert.   

Button 5 website marketing essentials

Topics: Blogging Tips, Twitter, Online Marketing Essentials, Social Media, Facebook, seo