Ignoring search traffic can be extremely costly to your business.
Back in May 2018 HubSpot decided to do away with their keyword tool. They did this for several reasons, some of them quite valid. But by de-emphasizing such a core principle of SEO they managed to send the message to their clients that it’s no longer important. Instead of doubling down on SEO tools they mostly ceded this side of their business to the likes of SEM Rush and Moz among others.
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inbound marketing,
HubSpot Tips,
The more information you can provide freelance writers about the goal of your content, the more successful it will be.
This is especially true when creating topic clusters.
The Topic Cluster Method focuses less on traditional keyword and SEO strategies and more on creating a unified series of content around a single topic, all built around a single piece of pillar content. This is a much more organized approach to SEO and content creation than most companies take.
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content marketing,
Topic Cluster
HubSpot is not an inexpensive investment. Depending on the level you choose, the inbound marketing platform can cost up to $2,400 a month (soon to be $3,200 for Enterprise). Those costs increase depending on the number of contacts you add to your portal. In addition, there's a mandatory onboarding training that costs $3,000. As these costs add up, you’ll have to ask yourself the logical question: is HubSpot worth the investment?
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inbound marketing,
content marketing,
HubSpot's removing their keyword as of May 1st, 2018. What does that mean for your keyword tracking and overall SEO initiatives? (see point #3 below especially). We've spent some time looking at some alternatives and have concluded that SEMRush is the best replacement for the HubSpot KW tool.
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HubSpot Tips,
Hubspot's sunsetting their keyword tool as of May 31st, 2018
Yes, Hubspot's eliminating the Keyword Tool. Why is this happening? This is a direct response to the powerful SEO changes afoot.
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Link Building,
I’m often amazed at how many websites are even remotely optimized for search engine optimization (SEO). I see many. I wanted to share some ways for my readers here to grade their websites. First, below is a quick 10 point SEO self grader test:
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inbound marketing,
Online Marketing Essentials,
Inbound Marketing boiled down to 10 steps:
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inbound marketing,
Recently I came across this question in a fairly dramatic fashion. A potential client was weighing a PPC and SEO proposal from a fairly reputable agency. He was kind enough to share the proposal with me so I could have a look. As I was reviewing this proposal I was taken aback by how it illuminates the differences between SEO and inbound marketing. In fact, I was pretty shocked at some of the elements inside this SEO proposal. Naturally, I had write this post!
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inbound marketing,
Link Building,
What are inbound marketing services exactly and what do they cost? Inbound marketing is a broad undertaking that encompasses a range of activities. When done correctly, in unison, it is perhaps the most effective means to drive new leads and sales to a website. Actually implementing inbound marketing services goes well beyond simply buying automation marketing software. Here’s why: The software only goes so far - be it Hubspot, Pardot, Maketo or any other platform. Here's the disconnect - people often buy inbound marketing software without fully understanding the real effort required to fully benefit from the software investment.
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inbound marketing,
Online Marketing Essentials,
Landing Pages,
I came across this great NY Times article: Small Players Seek an Alternative to the Expense of Pay-Per-Click that details how inbound marketing works as a viable alternative to pay-per-click (PPC). It also happens to feature none other than Tom Telford, the owner of Blue Creek Cabins who I featured in my post Hubspot Review: The Most Revealing Ever Pubslished. Tom's story and the article is extremely informative and something small businesses should heed regarding the rising importance of inbound marketing as an effective digital marketing tactic. In addition, there's an ironic twist: Google is directly helping out with Tom's success.
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inbound marketing,
Blogging Benefits,