I wanted to share my 12 month efforts at Internet marketing optimization. I became a Hubspot certified partner back in May 2011. Soon after that I became a certified value added re-seller (Silver VAR). Starting slowly I have built my Inbound Marketing business and website traffic by blogging. Specifically, I focus on the concerns small to medium businesses have regarding Internet marketing optimization. My blog posts are about SEO help such as link strategies and advice, Hubspot reviews with end-users and social media optimization techniques such as finding targeted Twitter followers. When I blog I try to adhere to the principles of optimization and diligently incorporate metadata into my blog posts (Title tags, URLs, Alt Tags, etc). I even delve into back linking techniques (be sure to check out www.DropMyLinks.com – a great resource for identifying SEO-friendly commenting blogs). It was slow going at first, but today I have almost 70 terms in the top 3 of Google and 160 in the top 10. I’ve saved over thousands of dollars in equivalent PPC ad spending. Moreover, these organic results are far, far more effective. Some of the keywords terms I rank highly for include “inbound marketing agency” and “inbound marketing consultant.”
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inbound marketing,
Inbound Marketing Software,
Looking for Internet marketing help? This can be a daunting task indeed. There are many places to turn – email marketing specialists, article marketing submission bots, social media consultants, SEO experts, lead gen gurus – the list is endless. Not to mention the constantly shifting strategies and technologies. In an attempt to provide some clarity, I’m going to lay out the two most important principles to consider when looking for internet marketing help or internet marketing consulting.
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Blogging Tips,
Online Marketing Essentials,
Social Media,
Successful website redesign is difficult to define primarily because successful website redesign is actually a continuous process. There's no beginning, middle and end. Moreover, it's as much about functionality and performance as design. Too often, website redesign is driven by the wrong reasons. These can be exceptionally costly and time consuming.
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Blogging Benefits,
Website Redesign,
I recognize there are a range of link strategies, but during the Hubspot User Group Summit last week I came across an amazingly simple and effective way to garner high quality links. Much thanks to Andy Pitre for this. I’ve seen a bunch of link strategies, but this is so easy and made so much sense I wanted to share (and add a little tweak). Mind you, there’s work involved and it will take time, but if there’s that one or two magic keywords you really need this may be the answer. Here’s a step by step guide:
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Link Building,
Exactly what is Hubspot? Well, by way of a real world example I’m going to shed some light on what it is and how it can help your business. Starting from keyword research, to blogging, to lead generation, to sales conversion here’s a step by step example of how I earned a client using Hubspot together with inbound marketing principles.
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inbound marketing,
Blogging Benefits,
The Internet has fundamentally transformed the way in which people locate, discover, share, shop, & connect. For a business owner, reaching consumers has transformed dramatically. A successful business needs to understand the best way to reach its customers online in order to expand.
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inbound marketing,
Blogging Benefits,
Online Marketing Essentials,
With any inbound marketing campaign, generating high quality links to either your website or blog should be considered a priority to a buildlink campaign. The problem is balancing high quality links with quantity. Successful buildlink strategies not only improves your search engine rankings but also independently generates more traffic. Here are a 3 simple ways you can take more control over your buildlink campaigns. Keep in mind that great content is essential to maximize these strategies.
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Blogging Tips,
Link Building,
Over the course of my career I’ve worked with a number of content management systems (CMS). From Joomla to Drupal to custom solutions. Here’s the hard truth: They’re not built for true CMS marketing. It’s not that they don’t really work, they did a bit. But they fail at a far more basic level: You need a developer to get them to function. Despite every attempt to get these platforms to be user-friendly, they are not. You’re constantly in need tech help for everything from buttons to updating the database. For a site owner who needs access to his/her site, you can’t be held hostage by a developer. I’ve seen this too often.
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Blogging Benefits,
CMS Marketing,
Interview with Tom Telford, Vacation Property Manager for the premier destination Helen Ga Cabin Rentals.
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inbound marketing,
Blogging Benefits,
HubSpot Tips,